Instagram: Tips and tricks to get followers and be popular

In a not too distant past, only people who had iPhone or iPad could make use of Instagram because the app was only available for the iOS operating system. But today all those who have Android smartphones can now download the app and start editing photos with those super funky and different filters that were shown in the timelines of Twitter and Facebook.

success on Instagram

Now that Instagram is an application “universal” that old question came up:

  • What is the secret formula to get popular on instagram?
  • How to get followers on instagram?
  • How some people get many Instagram followers?
  • Which technique to always appear in the popular page of Instagram?

Well, we’ll try to explain, but already notice that the tips and tricks outlined below are the best options available today for you to make a huge success on Instagram.

Follow to be followed back: follow me, follow back
The practice starts following a lot of people in exchange. Despite being a very classical technique is still practiced too much on Twitter, follow a lot of users follow back just to make it something more than natural. Another interesting option is you write on your public profile if someone you follow will follow you back.

Use the option to enjoy more and comment
“Who is not seen is not remembered”. This is perhaps the most perfect saying for this occasion. Let explain: if you do not show for the world of Instagram that is part of the social network and would love to join the club, how people will find out that you’re there?

The trick is to start commenting and enjoy those pictures that you really like, and do the same with the ones that you don’t like. At least get a visit from the author of photography and, who knows, it gains a new follower and some “tanned” in return?

Remember: All those famous Instagram users have utilized the same techniques to get increase the number of followers! So be persistent and make the largest possible number of comments on photos of strangers. The curiosity of the human being is greater than anything in this world, and when he saw that you’re always comments in her profile, he’ll want to know you better.

Create hashtags for your photos
Another way to make “tanned” in your photos is the use of hashtags. But before you go around creating multiple random hashtags, try to find out what are the most popular hashtags on Instagram. The chances of you gaining more followers will multiply in minutes!

But it is worth noting that Instagram only allows 30 insert hashtags via comments on each photo. So make your choice calmly before commenting your own photo with the most popular hashtags of Instagram.

Spread the good news to your friends
If you are still not satisfied, we recommend resorting to your friends on social networks. Instagram gives you the option to share your photos directly with the most popular networks, such as:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Orkut
  • Tumblr
  • Posterous
  • Google+
  • Foursquare